Over a 100 years of history...

"I know that my name is from the south of France but my grand father, who was a cooper, came to the Champagne region and married a women from Champagne. And the Cazals Champagne House was born in Le-Mesnil-sur-Oger in 1897."

"In 1897, Ernest CAZALS, a cooper native to the south of France, decided to set up in Le-Mesnil-sur-Oger. Since then, three generations of wine-growers have succeeded each other at the head of the winery. 

Since my father Claude CAZALS died in 1996, I run the family business."

Delphine Cazals

If you come to the winery, Delphine Cazals will tell you all about the family story in her beautiful isolated house, known as the country house of Léon Bourgeois, former Council President and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1920.

La générosité d’une famille, d’un terroir, d’une femme,
l’unicité du Chardonnay, le fruit et le travail des hommes…

« Le Champagne : c’est le seul vin qui n’altère pas
la beauté de la femme »
dixit Madame de Pompadour

« Je ne peux pas vivre sans champagne, en cas de victoire,
je le mérite ; en cas de défaite, j’en ai besoin. »
dixit Napoléon Bonaparte